Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Learning to crochet.

             I'm going to learn to crochet while I'm on vacation. There are some of you reading this who know me, going "yeah, right." But I am! I'm going to learn and I'm going to crochet cute little baby blankets and hoodies and head bands and all kinds of stuff. Then I'm going to learn to sew and quilt. (Not all on vacation, silly, this stuff takes time!) When I was little my Nanny tried to teach me how to crochet. I could do the chain thing. But then I'd get bored with it, or she'd get busy and forget to teach me what came next. So today I bought the basics, found a teaching blog and I'm going to learn to crochet. Because I made my husband a promise that I am fearful I am not going to be able to keep.
             *Deep breath* I promised I wouldn't work on ANY pictures while we're on vacation. Yeah, I know, right? I'm like a crackhead who know's her supplier is about to skip town. Except I'm the one skipping town, and I'm taking the crack (read camera) with me. Holy crap, I'm not going to be able to keep this promise. You know what makes it worse. I'm shooting a wedding the day we leave. A wedding.  The day we leave. I'm leaving the wedding, picking up my kids and headed out on vacation. No sneak peaks? No chimping over images on the LCD? I can't adjust one curve or reduce one pixel of noise? For a week? So, now you know why I will succeed in learning to crochet. I'll have to or I'll lose my mind.
          I'm only kidding (well, mostly, okay not really). I know its going to be a great trip, filled with fun and adventure and food and laughs and lots more. And I'll have plenty to do to keep my mind off of presets and actions and crops and color temperature.
         That's the problem when you have a job that you are passionate about. It doesn't feel like a job. And really, if you want to know a secret; I can't believe people pay me to do something so fun and fulfilling. It almost seems unfair.
         So, I'll go have fun, snap some touristy photos and stay away from photoshop, lightroom, zoner, and picasa. (At least until the rest of the family is asleep, teehehehe......)

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